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Bakeoven & Buck Hollow Watersheds

The Bakeoven and Buck Hollow Watershed is 145,017 acres, covers Bakeoven Creek and its tributaries and also includes the portion of Buck Hollow Watershed that is within Wasco County. Bakeoven Creek flows generally west into the Deschutes River at Maupin, River Mile 51. Key tributaries include Trail Hollow, Bootman, Robin, Deep, and Cottonwood Creeks. Buck Hollow Creek discharges into the Deschutes river at RM 43. The majority of the Bakeoven / Buck Hollow Watershed is privately owned (97.7%). The BLM manages a small portion of the watershed (2.1%), dispersed over scattered holding in both the Bakeoven and Buck Hollow drainages.  Bakeoven Creek begins at 3,487 feet near Bakeoven Summit and drains into the Deschutes River at 870 feet. The watershed receives about 10-14 inches of precipitation per year, most of it as rain. The heaviest runoff events are likely to occur in late winter and early spring, and are associated with rain-on-snow events. With no persistent snowpack to sustain stream flows, summer base flows recede very quickly after the spring rains. Areas with wetted channel, or standing pools, are interspersed with channel sections with subsurface flows. There are no surface water irrigation diversions on Bakeoven Creek.  Most of the watershed is covered by a mosaic of grasslands and shrublands. A significant area is managed as Conservation Reserve Program lands. Croplands are limited in extent, mostly confined to dryland agriculture.  The small amount of irrigated acreage in Bakeoven Watershed is watered from wells. Stream flows in Bakeoven Creek are not obviously influenced by irrigation practices. Flows may be augmented at certain times by irrigation runoff.

Wasco County Watersheds

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